What causes washboard?
Another reason to drive slow... Excessive speed, constant acceleration and braking is what causes washboard. Slow down, use low gear when driving down the mountain, save your brakes! If your vehicle is equipped with 4 wheel drive, use it - year round when coming up the Mountain. We can all help slow down the creation of washboard on Woodmoor Mountain roads by following these tips.
Lack of moisture -- Washboard roads are particularly prevalent when weather conditions are dry. Frequent rainfall reduces the chances of washboarding.
Traffic -- Hard acceleration or braking can accelerate washboarding, and that helps explain why you'll see it frequently at intersections, before and after sharp curves, and even driveways. If a car's tires lose a firm grip on the road and begin to spin or skid, some gravel will be displaced. If this happens repeatedly, the gravel will be displaced, often uniformly, and a washboard pattern will form.